Week 2
This Week I began to experiment in blender to working on my main text sequence, taking heavy inspiration from "the matrix" for the theme and "Stranger THings" For composition. I created the Initial Texture in Photoshop using a repeat pattern and a pixel texture to imitate the screen door effect that comes from retro monitors and tv screens.

The Original Texture Created in Photoshop

I then Mapped this texture to some simple screen geometry so that I could recreate the 3D camera moves seen in Stranger Things. This would also warp the texture in a more realistic way than trying to recreate the effect in 2D

Texture from photoshop Mapped to Geometry

Simple Node material Set up in Blender to add some variation to how the texture is diffused

First Test Render of the Effect. I used a camera with a very high Depth of Field to blur the fore and background and center  the viewers focus on the center of the screen

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