Clarity and Indentity
This week I created my last two prompts for the showreel. these were Clarity and Identity.
First clarity, for this I decided to do a point cloud animation, as it is something I have been playing around with recently using blender's geometry nodes.
Firstly I downloaded this simple brain 3D model from sketchfab:
Then I used this node network to convert the model first to vertices and then to instance a small icosphere on each of these vertices and then to also instance some spheres in the volume of the brain to give it some more depth as the camera flys through it
Then I animated a simple camera fly-through of the brain and mad the brain rotate slightly. I rendered this out just as an alpha channel so that I could change the colours in after-effects later since I didn't want the spheres to be shaded.

In After Effects I created two versions of the brain animation while inverting the blacks and whites in each version. I then overlayed the text on top of this. I think this is the most effective shot in my showreel as it takes advantageĀ of the way our brains perceive light and dark values meaning that the second shot seems much "clearer" to the viewer despite the luma values being the same only flipped. I think this fits well with the buzzword and is fairly visually appealing at the same time
The font I used here was "Miller Headline", it is a very popular serif font that Is mainly used in magazine headers especially magazines in the fashion industry- this has become my go-to serif font when I need a header that is both stylish and fairly formal. Had I decided to go down the sans serif route I would have gone for something like FUtura new Pt or similar.
My final Shot in the showreel is for the prompt "identity". I took this and went with the idea of creating brand "identity". I decided to create an advert-style drink can animation. This was a great excuse to use Houdini again this time to create a guided fluid simulation around the can.
These are the nodes that I used for the fluid simulation. I also used Houdini to distribute droplets of water around the can to give it more realistic look
This is what the fluid simulation looked like in Houdini
I then exported the fluid as an open VDB the same as the ink drop simulation in week 6. and took the whole lot into blender for more animation and shading:
I used a strong studio lighting set up to try and mimic that of real drinks adverts
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