Title Sequence Contintued
THe next few weeks were spent finalising my movie title sequence, I have collated all work done over these subsequent weeks into one page as my work rate was very sporadic towards the end of term and over the holiday period.
Firstly I changed my idea for the first two shots of my title sequence in favour of a more stylised and abstract version of the conflict between my two characters. this was done both for stylistic reasons and because of time constraints. however, I think the shots are still nonetheless effective.
Shot 1
I used the swat character from my previous shots with a bold spot light coming down above them. Then using this array of planes I was able to periodically block the flight from the character by animating the position of the planes. This imitated that of passing lights and created a strong sense of movement
Then to add some depth to the scene I used the Dust particle emitter I created in week 4 for the end scene of my sequence around the head of my character
I then added some verticle camera shake to increase the feeling of motion in the shot:
giving us this result
SHot 2
The next Shot uses the second character from the original shots- this is a very cinematic shot and uses the same dust techniques used before this time with a very heavy use of volumetrics
In the final composition I perfectly lined up the planet in the planet explosion shot with the sphere in the background of this one to try and keep some continuity between the shots.
Remastered PLanet Shot
NExt, I reanimated the planet explosion shot from week 3 this time adding some particles to better sell the effect. I would say that I would like to refine this shot more had I had more time as I think it is the weakest shot of the selection:
I created an original soundtrack for the title sequence using LMMs, It mainly revolved around a synth patch that I made using "vital" and was heavily inspired by the neo-retro sounds of new media such as cyberpunk or stranger things.
Lastly All I had to do was cut it together to fit the soundtrack and then do a quick colour grade in Davinci Resolve to give us this:
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